

  1. Do I need special clothes?
  2. What is the minimum age for the programs?
  3. What is the oldest student you have taught?
  4. How long does it take to become competent?
  5. I sailed when I was younger. Which course should I take?
  6. What happens if I do not meet the standard by the end of the course?
  7. Do I have to take the exams?
  8. Do I have to be a member of the Yacht Club?
  9. Do I have to be super fit and strong?
  10. How can I practice if I do not own a boat?

































  1. Do I need Special clothes?

NO except maybe a pair of gloves. I use cycling gloves. Normal outdoor clothing is fine. Running shoes with non marking soles are OK
Click here to read some recommendations.It will open in a new window.
We provide a comfortable inflatable PFD to wear while on the water.

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2. What is the minimum age for the programs?

There is no "official" minimum age for the CYA Learn to Cruise or Learn to Sail programs. However to achieve the standards a certain mental and physical maturity is required. For Keelboat courses we will accommodate families but to take a course unaccompanied we suggest a minimum age of 15. For Dinghy courses we accept teenagers. If you are looking for childrens courses we will be pleased to recommend a program to you.

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3. What is the oldest student you have taught?

I believe that one lady I taught was in her late sixties when she took the course. I was too polite to ask her actual age.

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4. How long does it take to become competent?

Most students who follow the course on a regular basis, and have read the text book before the course, generally reach an acceptable standard in about 6 to 7 sessions on the water. This leaves 1 or 2 sessions to practice independently on one of our boats.

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5. I sailed when I was younger. Which course should I take?

Like all skills if it has not been practiced for some time the skill level will have dropped. A lot of people took lessons in small dinghies and/or sailed at the cottage and while the basis is the same there are some significant differences, some of them relating to Safety. I recommend you sign up for either Basic Cruising keelboat course or White Sail dinghy course. We will evaluate your skill level during the first session.

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6. What happens if I do not meet the standard by the end of the course?

This does not happen often but it does happen. There are no surprises in this course. We use a custom designed continuous assessment process and there is also a formal mid course evaluation. If at the end of your course you are close to meeting the standard we will try to accommodate you in other classes as space permits. Private coaching is another possibility.

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7. Do I have to take the exams?

No, only if you do want to receive the CYA certificate. Some people take the course for the benefit of guidance and instruction from an experienced and qualified instructor. To receive the certificate you must take the theory exam in addition to the on-the-water practical evaluation, both of which must be completed within one year.

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8. Do I have to be a member of the Yacht Club?

Yes and No.
Yes, for courses operating out of BDYC; club membership is required and the fee is included in the course price. Students are encouraged to fully participate in the social and racing activities of the club.
No, for courses operating out of Crysler Park Marina no membership is required.

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9. Do I have to be super fit and strong?

No. If you are capable of climbing the stairs at home without getting breathless and walking from the car to the boat you are probably ok J.

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10. How can I practice if I do not own a boat?

We have boats available for training and practice.
If you do own a boat and would like to receive instruction / coaching on it we can accommodate you. If you would like help in finding and buying a boat we will be pleased to help you find the right boat for your needs. Several graduates have taken advantage of this service.

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